
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Say it ain't so, Rome 

"Schilling said, “I'm not sure I can think of any scenario more enjoyable than making 55,000 people from New York shut up.” This guy is freaking nuts. But then again, this is the same guy who came to this show shortly after going to Boston and saying he thinks the Boston media makes up quotes and then says they’re anonymous quotes.
This guy can talk this junk because he backs it up. He's money in the postseason. He's’ the real deal, he has a ring and he beat the Yankees to get it. He’s won six straight postseason decisions since 1993, allowing two runs or fewer in all nine of his starts. That is incredible! You know you’re running into some great offensive teams in the postseason, and you’re holding them all to two runs or less! That’s amazing!"

Normally, I am a HUGE Rome fan, but I can't get down with this.

Ever since I starting making my monthly pilgramiges to LA four years ago I became a big time Rome listener. There was nothing quite like cruising down PCH listening to Rome go on and on about any and everything. I was sure when he came to the New York market he would be a hit, but surprisingly, not so much. Most people I made listen to him didn't "get" the show. I guess he's kinda like Howard Stern in the sense that you either love him, or hate him. I am proud to say I am a Clone.

But I cannot agree with him backing Schilling. The BoSux team, on a whole, is a classless bunch and Curt Schilling is a moron. Well, maybe not a "moron" but he certainly is a man unable to handle his self-imposed job of "making 50,000 New Yorkers shut up". Curt, there is very little you, or any other of your dirt-bag teamates can do, to make New Yorkers shut up, period. I have lived in Jersey for 18 years, and in the Bronx for 4 and if I have learned anything, from my time living in the shadow of The House That Ruth Built, it is that New Yorkers are a proud bunch.

To the outsider, it might appear as if they are rude or hostile, but I don't see it like that. Sure I have been to games at Camden Yards where, when the mascot flung tee-shirts into the stands, Yankee fans set them on fire and threw them back onto the field, but that's just showing oneness with their team. Fake fans are in it just for the free clothes, but not Yankee fans. I've also had the pleasure of riding the D-train after a Yankee win and let me tell you, there is little in life better than that. Feeling the commrodery of an entire subway car of fans, is unlike much else. Fans that stay to the end just to show their support. Fans that aren't trying to rush off to better plans, because they know, a nite out at the ballpark should be your only plans. Unlike my experience at Dodger Stadium, fans are there for the long haul. Dodger fans show up in the 3rd and leave in the 7th. It's insane.

And even though I may have gotten a bit off topic, I would like to say that Rome needs to step it up and not pander to the BoSux like everyone else out there (read: ESPN) Nothing quite like Damon saying, "I think we can build off of this". They lost. Their star pitcher got rocked for 5 runs in 4 innings. They lost. Damon might look like Jesus, but I don't think his prophecies will be comming true anytime soon. And ESPN needs to stop loving them so much, I get that they are the underdog, and normally I like to pull for the underdog, but not against the Yanks, and NEVER for Boston.

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