Friday, August 06, 2004
Ok, so I haven't posted in a little over three months. The girl has been busy, what with college graduation, moving to hoboken, and working. But now I am back. Sorry Adam, I will not just close the blog and go gently into that good nite. Now it's just a matter of whether or not I have anything to say. I feel like this blog should have a direction. I'm just not sure what that direction is. If anyone has any ideas I think it would be just great if you'd let me know. I haven't written anything in general for quite some time and I'm feeling a little bit rusty. I sort of got back into it last night, but it definatly wasn't my finest work. That tends to happen when you are writing on pure emotions and not carefully selecting words to really get your point across. I just hope that by not censoring myself, I didn't do any permanent damage. I wish I wasn't afraid to be more open on here and let whoever actually reads this into my head. I used to be like that then one day it just changed. And I actually cared about keeping things secret. When does that change actually happen? Does it happen to everyone? Do we all lose that inhabition at some point in our lives? And are those individuals that don't ever fully lost it looked upon by others as having something wrong with them? This growing up process brings with it a lot more than I ever imagined.
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