
Thursday, March 04, 2004

It's a beautiful thing 

CNN.com - Debate widens over same-sex marriage - Mar. 4, 2004

Judging by the away messages left for me today, more people read this than I previously thought, thanks for that. And sorry for those of you that were upset by my posts; not because I am upset that I rubbed you the wrong way, but I'm sorry that you are ignorant and close-minded. I was particuarly fond of the message that someone left me stating that the reason homosexuality is wrong is because "our bodies are not meant to do that"...well, our bodies also aren't meant to have damaged organs removed and new ones placed in...that isn't "natural". It's also not "natural" to have blood transfusions. Should these things be outlawed? That is just absurd. And homoexuality is not uncomommon in nature. There are tons of examples of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. And I'm sure I'm not gonna change anyone's mind, but shit I at least have to try. Cause I'll be damned if I'm gonna homeschool my kids to become little revolutionaries for people like you to slow them down. Let's love one another and live...
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