
Monday, March 08, 2004

Homosexuality in humans in natural: a blogger's view 

To those who believe that homosexuality is not natural:

In the order that I found this readily available information Google:

Biological and biblical-based

"Pronk's biological and ethical argumentation is far too complex to be summarized here. Only the conclusions can be noted: "homosexuality is not 'unnatural' in the biological sense of the word" (p. 214). Pronk develops at considerable length the point that homosexuals, even if biologically unable to change their orientation, are still responsible for their decision to engage in or abstain from homosexual intercourse and as free moral agents may not be exonerated on the basis of biology. Further, "homosexuality clearly carries with it the same potentialities for humanity or inhumanity as heterosexuality. And for no other reason than that the sex of the partners is morally irrelevant" (p. 262-3)."


"One of my closest friends, Michael, once confessed to me that he first "knew" that he was homosexual when he was just ten years old.....The fact that such feelings could be cognizant at the age of ten always bothered me. I had been taught that homosexuals made the choice to be such-- or that they were somehow coerced into homosexual identity by an adult at some delicate stage in sexual development. In subsequent conversations with other gay men, I learned that almost everyone had a similar revelation at some point in their early life. Hardly anyone actually made the free choice to be homosexual. In fact, studies confirmed that almost 95 percent of homosexual men were adamant that they were born gay."

"I learned that there were homosexuals as far back as recorded history. Historians (Gore Vidal in particular) suggested that there has always been, more or less, a constant 10 to 15 percent of males that have preferred their own gender."

"While watching a news story on brain research this year, I was surprised to learn that scientists had determined that the characteristics which make us "think" either as males or females was localized in a small portion of the brain called the hypothalamus. Autopsies showed that the relative size and configuration of this master gland is different in males and females. Further research indicated that the hypothalamus in homosexual men was significantly different from that of "straight" (heterosexual) men (see Science, 253: 1034-1037, 1991)."

Some Bible-thumper tries to argue a whole letter with flawed reasoning-based

Initial letter:
"If everybody on earth were homosexual, the human race would die out: this is true and stupid. And it does not make homosexuality unnatural. Let's replace "homosexual" by "bank manager", it works. Replace "homosexual" by "nun", it works even better. Are nuns and bank managers more or less unnatural than gays? It is as stupid to expect "everybody on earth" to be homosexual as to expect "everybody on earth" to be a nun. Moreover, if "everybody on earth were homosexual" does not mean people could not breed. There would still be functionnal women and men (and anything in between) with insemination solutions."

"Wow, have you bought into the lie. Homosexual animals!! Could I see the independent studies on this? I read the articles you linked but the writer stated conclusions as if they were fact but without supporting evidence."

Here. Here. Here. Here.


"Perhaps there is no one answer, that sexual orientation, whether homosexual or heterosexual; gay, straight, lesbian, or bisexual, all are a cause of a complex interaction between environmental, cognitive, and anatomical factors, shaping the individual at an early age."

But those are all natural influences, right?


"The antebellum slave owner, who sipped his mint junlep while sitting in the shade, as Sambo chopped cotton in the burning sun, thought it entirely natural to do so. The Inca priests, who disemboweled maidens on their alters, evidently thought human sacrifice to be entirely natural. Hindus, who burned widows on their husband's pyres, evidently thought suttee to be natural. Hitler, of course, thought it quite natural to kill Jews."

"We ought not to enslave other human beings — as we may "enslave" dogs or horses or oxen — because we recognize in them a nature that we share."


If Mr. Felps would get his head out of his ass and engage a loving homosexual couple, he would find that there is nothing more beautiful and natural. Just as between a heterosexual couple. Maybe Mr. Felps will even end up with his head in another male's ass.

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